The Swedish round of Longines Global Champions was decided at Stockholms Stadion. A historic site that during four days constituted the epicentre of the equestrian world. TPO was on site, securing the technical necessities for organizers, visitors, competitors and the gathered world press.
We were on site with plenty of time to spare before the competitions started in order to establish a secure and fast internet connection and build all the technical infrastructure needed to carry out the event. Among other things that meant establishing a production office with WiFi and printers and building a distribution network for accreditation of competitors, press and staff.
We also built a network for the Swedish public service radio corporation, SR, to use as well as created a network for all TV cameras present and established WiFi and wired networking for the offices of contestants that were located outside of the stadium. We also secured internet access for an expo area with exhibitors and vendors. Furthermore, we established a comm radio network with repeaters for about 80 comm radio units. The office used by track staff and doping control was also equipped with WiFi, wired networking and printers. During the initial phase when construction was at its most intense, we had a team of several people on site. After that, a smaller core team was there to manage and monitor the system during the event.